We all love soaking up the sun! And while the warmth of the sun’s rays feel fantastic, the harmful UV action that’s absorbing into our skin is just that – harmful – and can cause countless health risks including hormone-distruption and skin cancer, amongst other issues.
We all know this by now – let’s make this the year that we smarten up and slather on the (good, natural, organic) sunscreen!
Here are some things I’ve heard from clients over the years in regards to sunscreen.
Myth: Natural sunscreens are harder to come by and very expensive in comparison to drugstore brands.
Many health-food stores, and now even drugstores or large grocery chains, are offering natural and organic skin care options at comparable prices.

Kiss My Face Sunscreen rates 1-out-of-10 for ‘toxicity’ on EWG.org. Take a look for Kiss My Face products at your local health food store.
Myth: Natural sunscreens leave my face looking Casper-the-ghost white.
Remember these days?

If you survived through the 80’s, you’ll probably remember ‘Zinka’ colourful sunscreens. Don’t worry – these are a thing of the past. (But those models sure look like they’re having fun, don’t they?)
Not only are quality sunscreens evolving to provide comparable textures to the generic brands, you can even find high SPF in your makeup products and regular skin creams.

Colorscience Primer SPF 30 is a great example of this – it’s used under your makeup anyways, so why not cut out a step and add the caution of SPF 30?
Myth: Well, I am wearing sunscreen. I put it on 8 hours ago before I did my makeup. Should still be protected, right?
Um…no. Dermatologists recommend that, if you’re going to be out in the sun, you should reapply every 2 hours, even if you’re using a high SPF. Remember: the lower the SPF, the more you should be reapplying. So that SPF 10? Probably should be reapplying that every hour or so…

Badger products are some of the cleanest, toxin-free product lines available. Their SPF 15 Sunblock Lip Balm is an essential to keep in your purse when you’re on the go.
Myth: I applied SPF 30 sunscreen, then there’s SPF 10 in my makeup primer, and SPF 15 in my foundation. So, I’ve got on, like, SPF 55, right?
Wrong. Studies show that the highest SPF you apply is what you get, so you’d actually have SPF 30 protection.

Desert Essence Gentle Moisturizing Day Cream cuts out one step from your skin care routine. Who likes putting cream on just to be followed by sunscreen anyways? No one. And especially not on a hot summer day. Try this and moisturize while still blocking those rays!
Where can you get more info on safe products? One of my favourites sites: EWG.org.
Also visit: The ‘2012 Hall of Shame’ for children’s sunscreens.