Posted by Savannah | May 1st, 2011
I have a lots of jobs.
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I moonlight as a jewellery maker at La Belle Dame in Flat River, PEI. And while we specialize in memorial jewellery to heal the hearts of mothers, fathers, other family members and friends, we offer a beautiful selection of customizable pieces as heirlooms.
Here are a few beautiful options!
Initial and Crystal Sterling Tag Necklace

Tender Heart Necklace

Family Meditations Bracelet

Simplicity Cuff

Most of the pieces can be customized with hand-stamped initials, names and/or birth stone crystals.
So, with Mother’s Day is just around the bend, be sure to show Mum you Love her with a special, custom, handcrafted gift straight from the heart!
Posted by Savannah | April 16th, 2011
…well, that’s a fib – I’ve done quite a few DIY projects over the year, but this is the first project I will be blogging about!
For this project, you’ll need:
– skirt, any length
– elastic
– thread
– about 30 minutes!
I bought this 80’s/90’s pleated and frumpy skirt a few years ago at Value Village knowing that I loved the material and would, one day, find a moment to revamp it to fit my style. I had ambitiously cut it to a more up-to-date length, then left the project for one reason or another leaving this skirt with a raw edge. I stumbled upon it when going through some of my sewing items last week and decided it was high time to give it the fresh look it (and I) had been waiting for!
Though I don’t have an actual ‘before’ shot taken at its full length, here’s what it started of as when I revisited it this week. Just try to imagine what it looked like as an ankle-length skirt; something a bit like this.

Step #1: Cut the skirt to an inch longer than desired length. Turn the hem up an inch and sew all the way around the bottom leaving only a small gap.

Step #2: Measure a desired length of elastic to comfortably fit around your thighs. Put a safety pin on one end of the elastic and use it to help you string the elastic into the gap and through the hem. Make sure you pin the opposite end to the outside of the gap so you don’t lose it within the hem.

Step 3: Sew the ends of the elastic together and sew the small gap closed.

Step #4: Practise your gracious acceptance speech, because you’re going to be getting a lot of compliments!!

Posted by Savannah | March 23rd, 2011
Check out this video focused on fabulous photographer Sarah MacEachern which features a lot of makeup artistry work by Savannah Belsher-MacLean.
Posted by Savannah | March 18th, 2011

May, June and July might bring spring flowers, but the young ladies that are all dolled up for prom are the prettiest things in bloom!
Savannah Belsher-MacLean, Makeup Artist, creates a trendy and up-scale experience for her young clients to add a unique and fun time to their day. Booking are available both in groups and single individuals. For more information on makeup applications and rates, email Savannah ( or visit her website!

Model: Celia K. of Panache Models

Model: Caitlin F. of Panache Models.

Model: Molly M. of Panache Models.
*Makeup by Savannah Belsher-MacLean, Makeup Artist, Charlottetown, PE.
*All photos in this post are by Kimberly Rashed Photography. Get in touch with her to find about her super fun photo shoot packages for prom!
Posted by Savannah | February 13th, 2011
What a fun afternoon!!
I had the opportunity to work with one fabulous and beautiful model, and two fantastic and talented photographers on an outdoor set. It was a very crisp -11 degrees C, -19C with the windchill, and our brave model worked through the cold to deliver a gorgeous product.

Photographer: Louise Vessey of Light & Vision Photography
Makeup Artist: Savannah Belsher-MacLean
Model: Cassandra M. of Panache Models

Photographer: Jeff Babineau of Babineau Photography
Makeup Artist: Savannah Belsher-MacLean
Model: Cassandra M. of Panache Models
Posted by Savannah | February 11th, 2011
I worked on such a fun set this morning with photographer Matt Zambonin and model/roller derby goddess Tammy MacEachern! For the makeup, I was inspired by the fabulous new Red Rock ‘N Roller Derby crew and what I imagine these tough ladies are going to be enduring over the next few months with elbows flying while skating at high speeds. Showing distinct individuality, each of the girls comes up with a derby name and signature style of clothing and skating.

You can check out more info on their facebook page.
I’ll be posting photos from today’s shoot as soon as I can!
** Photo borrowed from
Posted by Savannah | February 9th, 2011
Posted by Savannah | February 8th, 2011
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In mi nunc, tristique in tincidunt a, pulvinar bibendum est. Sed tincidunt tincidunt nisi non egestas. Quisque
Heading #1
Smaller Header
tempor erat id tellus egestas in sollicitudin urna posuere. Aenean ac est a velit condimentum condimentum. Quisque congue venenatis cursus. Nulla quis sem sit amet ante rutrum iaculis ut vel dui. Maecenas laoreet ante sit amet purus viverra
- One
- Two
- Three
Quote quote quote, intelligent quote.

Sunset over the Water
Posted by Savannah | February 8th, 2011
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit.
In mi nunc, tristique in tincidunt a, pulvinar bibendum est. Sed tincidunt tincidunt nisi non egestas. Quisque tempor erat id tellus egestas in sollicitudin urna posuere. Aenean ac est a velit condimentum condimentum. Quisque congue venenatis cursus. Nulla quis sem sit amet ante rutrum iaculis ut vel dui. Maecenas laoreet ante sit amet purus viverra
Phasellus vehicula metus eget lorem tincidunt tristique. Fusce adipiscing tempor tortor in ullamcorper. Sed vitae lacus et nulla pellentesque placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Integer quis nisi orci, nec cursus orci. Donec eu urna metus, ac euismod lacus. In dapibus, felis et dignissim pharetra, felis arcu aliquet elit, eu porttitor augue neque ut purus. Pellentesque nibh purus, lacinia sit amet pulvinar sit amet, pretium in nibh. Sed tempor blandit aliquet. Vivamus tempor urna non sapien fermentum scelerisque feugiat non nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras in turpis et dolor egestas tristique.
Nullam blandit, sapien nec pulvinar blandit, metus turpis tristique sapien, in vehicula velit augue eu risus. Nullam et eros leo, ac hendrerit quam. Donec ut arcu lorem, et consequat leo. Vestibulum metus sapien, ultrices sit amet ultricies vel, vehicula at augue. Ut felis turpis, lacinia id venenatis in, sagittis quis diam. Aliquam porta rutrum ante. Pellentesque erat sem, scelerisque egestas pulvinar in, tincidunt et lectus. Sed at enim ante, vel fermentum erat. Donec venenatis varius mattis. Nam ullamcorper sollicitudin urna eget egestas.
Posted by Savannah | January 28th, 2011
Days like today are my favourite!! Crisp, cool air and warming sunbeams. The perfect temperature to clear your lungs while your winter jacket and gloves can keep you toasty warm.
It’s the first winter we’re experiencing in our new home, and it’s days like this that make me so happy to be a country girl!
Here’s what my day looked like…